Richtlijnen Vliegen


To ensure medical confidentiality, all medical reports and records should be securely held with accessibility restricted to personnel authorised by the medical assessor or, where applicable, by the head of the aero-medical centre (AEMC), the aero-medical examiner(AME), general medical practitioner (GMP) or occupational health medical practitioner (OHMP).


Koninklijke Nederlands Vereniging voor Luchtvaart (KNVVL): Eisen aan lichamelijke en geestelijke gesteldheid voor bestuurders van Zweefvliegtuigen

Bijlage bij convenant tussen de Minister van Verkeer en Waterstaat en de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Luchtvaart inzake afgifte van bewijzen van bevoegdheid en medische verklaringen voor bestuurders van zweefvliegtuigen


European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Use of Medication - Guidance for Pilots, ATCOs and Cabin Crew Members

Any medication can cause side effects, some of which may impair the safe performance of performing aviation safety related duties. Equally, symptoms of colds, sore throats, diarrhoea and other abdominal upsets may cause little or no problem whilst on the ground but may distract the pilot or cabin crew member and degrade their performance whilst on duty


UITVOERINGSVERORDENING (EU) 2019/27 VAN DE COMMISSIE van 19 december 2018 houdende wijziging van Verordening (EU) nr. 1178/2011 tot vaststelling van technische eisen en administratieve procedures met betrekking tot de bemanning van burgerluchtvaartuigen, overeenkomstig Verordening (EU) 2018/1139 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad (= 1 annex IV etc)

UITVOERINGSVERORDENING (EU) 2019/27 VAN DE COMMISSIE van 19 december 2018 houdende wijziging van Verordening (EU) nr. 1178/2011 tot vaststelling van technische eisen en administratieve procedures met betrekking tot de bemanning van burgerluchtvaartuigen, overeenkomstig Verordening (EU) 2018/1139 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad (= 1 annex IV etc)



Welcome to the Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners. The format of this version of the
Guide provides instant access to information regarding regulations, medical history,
examination procedures, dispositions, and protocols necessary for completion of the
FAA Form 8500-8, Application for Airman Medical Certificate.


Guidance material for CAA-NO aeromedical examiners

This guidance material (GM) document has been prepared for aeromedical examiners appointed by
the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authorities, as a supplement to Part-MED and Part-ATCO.MED.


The challenge of asymptomatic coronary artery disease in aircrew

Coronary events remain a major cause of sudden incapacitation, including death, in both the general population and among aviation personnel, and are an ongoing threat to flight safety and operations


Beyond a ‘wing and a prayer’: building the evidence base for aviation cardiology

The well-being of pilots and other aircrew is paramount to flight safety, and appropriate risk management of pathology in aircrew is central to the delivery of aviation medicine.


Assessing aeromedical risk: a three-dimensional risk matrix approach

Early aeromedical risk was based on aeromedical standards designed to eliminate individuals from air
operations with any identifiable medical risk, and led to frequent medical disqualification


Management of cardiac conduction abnormalities and arrhythmia in aircrew

Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of loss of flying licence globally, and cardiac arrhythmia is the main disqualifier in a substantial proportion of aircrew


Congenital heart disease in aircrew

This article focuses on the broad aviation medicine considerations that are required to optimally manage aircrew with suspected or confirmed congenital heart disease (both pilots and non-pilot aviation professionals)


Management of established coronary artery disease in aircrew without myocardial infarction or revascularisation

This paper is part of a series of expert consensus documents covering all aspects of aviation cardiology.


Management of established coronary artery disease in aircrew with previous myocardial infarction or revascularisation

This manuscript focuses on the broad aviation medicine considerations that are required to optimally manage aircrew with established coronary artery disease (CAD) without myocardial infarction (MI) or revascularisation (both pilots and non-pilot aviation professionals)


To fly as a pilot after cardiac surgery

Aircrew are responsible for safe and reliable aircraft operations. Cardiovascular disease accounts for 50% of all pilot licences declined or withdrawn for medical reasons in Western Europe and is the most common cases of sudden incapacitation in flight.


Heart muscle disease management in aircrew

This manuscript focuses on the broad aviation medicine considerations that are required to optimally manage aircrew with suspected or confirmed heart muscle disease (both pilots and non-pilot aviation professionals)


An introduction to aviation cardiology

The management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has evolved significantly in the last 20 years; however, the last major publication to address a consensus on the management of CVD in aircrew was published in 1999, following the second European Society of Cardiology conference of aviation cardiology experts


Non-coronary cardiac surgery and percutaneous cardiology procedures in aircrew

This manuscript focuses on the broad aviation medicine considerations that are required to optimally manage aircrew following non-coronary surgery or percutaneous cardiology interventions (both pilots and non-pilot aviation professionals)


Contemporaneous management of valvular heart disease and aortopathy in aircrew

Valvular heart disease (VHD) is highly relevant in the aircrew population as it may limit appropriate augmentation of cardiac output in high-performance flying and predispose to arrhythmia.


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